We are loyal to creativity, quality, and productivity...not brands of cameras, lenses, or lights. The gear we use seems to be of interest for our followers and at times our customers. Hundreds of YouTube camera reviewers make a living out of debating the facts, features and other qualities of cameras...They rarely show their work so I suspect they can't take a great photo. We are less interested in technical aspects of a photograph...the "Tack Sharpies", "Bang on Focus", and "Buttery Bokeh" ...than just making sure the image tells the story. With this disclaimer stated here are the tools we use now:

Canon 5D MkII - L 24-105 - 
before our decision to go with the mirrorless revolution
Sony Camera Bodies:
Sony 100-400 GM - 1.4 Tele
Sony 70 - 200 2.8 GM
Sony 16 - 35 GM
Tamron 28 -75 2.8 Di III RXD
Sony 90 2.8 Macro
Sony 55 1.8 ZA
Sony 50 1.8
Sony 85 1.8
Sony 35 2.8 ZA
Sony 24 - 105 G
Sigma 16 1.4
Sony 55 -2104.5 6.3
Sony 28 70  3.5 5.6

Wine Country Filters
Mostly GODOX flash and strobes

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